2012年9月30日 星期日


近日乘的士往返地鐵站,總遇着喜愛聽懷舊歌曲的司機,今天在灰濛濛中秋午間,聽到 Bread 樂隊的  " If "。特別的開端奏樂、優美的韻律,美麗的歌詞,喜愛它開段與尾段......If a picture  paints a thousand words Then why can't I paint you ?  The words will never show the you I've  come to know......And when the world was through  Then one by one the stars would all go out And you and I would simply fly away。過往只覺得它是首情歌,今天在的士內像聽出了端倪, If a man could be two places at one time , I'd be with you ,愛的無奈?錯誤的抉擇?誰是最愛?或是欺騙感情的謊言?是單方面的期朌?這首曲歌詞婉約,沒有  Mary Macgregor  "Torn between two lovers" 的 there's just this empty place inside of me , that only he can fill 或 The Lobo " How can I tell her " 的 everything seems right  whenever I'm with you 那麽的清晰明顯坦白。"If "道出-----愛,在生命亁竭枯萎時出現,無論圖畫或辭彙也沒法形容對她的感覺,但願能將時光留住,若不,在天地停頓毁滅時,願與她一起隨着顆顆閃爍的星芒淡去。

Bread 樂隊是 70 年代的美國合唱團,有很多悅耳的抒情歌曲,他們主要以結他伴唱,音樂輕柔甜美,自然温馨  " Goodbye girl " , " Make it with you " , " Everything I own " , " Aubrey "  " Diary " .....等都是他們的經典。我最喜愛的是 " Diary ",一個悲傷的故事,當在樹下閱讀妻子日記時,The words began to stick and tears to flow .... the love she'd waited for was someone else not me , she wouldn't show it , you wouldn't know it 因為愛,唯一可做的事是----- 祝福她,尋找到她所朌望的美事。優美的歌聲與音樂帶出尋常故事,簡單純樸而真實。

